Parliamentary Committee directs the Prime Minister's Office to give priority to acid victims in government service employment

Kathmandu: The Parliamentary Committee has directed the Office of the Prime Minister and the Office of the Council of Ministers to create a conducive environment for the livelihood of acid victims by giving priority to them in government services.

Meeting of the House of Representatives, Women and Social Committee held at Singha Durbar on Monday. The current situation of acid attack in Nepal was discussed in the meeting in the presence of acid victims.

Monday's meeting of the House of Representatives' Women and Social Affairs Committee gave instructions to the government after discussions with three acid victims.

Niru Pal, chairperson of the committee, said that the directive was issued as the government has to take responsibility for the livelihood of the acid victims as most of them are women between the ages of 14 and 25. To control and manage the acid purchase and sale process, to make it mandatory to document the details of the buyer, to address the physical, mental and emotional trauma of the victims of the recent acid attack, to immediately arrange and ensure effective medical treatment, legal aid and psychotherapy. Regarding the instructions given to the Prime Minister's Office on the management of acid victims, President Pal said, "To provide scholarships in higher education, to provide skill-based training,

The committee has ruled that acid is widely used as a weapon of revenge against criminals. The committee concluded from the discussion that the acid attack was not accidental but planned. "Incidents of acid attacks are not motivated but are planned, vindictive and well-planned," the committee concluded.

She also directed the government to implement the decisions made by the committee within three months. The committee had discussions with acid victims Sangita Thapa Magar, Muskan Khatun and Jenny Khadka. The victim had said that there was a problem in treatment due to lack of financial resources of the family. He said such incidents were on the rise due to the lack of strict laws against acid attacks.

The victim Khadka had said that the government should provide employment. He said that despite their education and skills, private companies do not provide employment to acid victims. Similarly, Khatun had objected to the court's release of the acid attacker. She said that the lack of law would cause more problems. She said that her family's financial situation was weak and she had problems with medicine and treatment.

Sangita Thapa said that if the law was strengthened, more women would not have to suffer from acid attacks. "The law needs to be strengthened," she said. If the law is strong, no girl will have to suffer any more. Within years, months, acid attacks occur. If the law had been strengthened after the attack on me, Khatun, Jenny Khadka and Karki would not have been attacked so much. The attacker felt that the law of the land was not strong enough for him to do anything. ' 

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