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Appeal by the Patriotic People's Democratic Front to be ready for the people's movement

Kathmandu. Patriotic People's Democratic Front, Nepal has said that there is no alternative to the movement against the irresponsibility of the current government and urged the Nepali people to be ready for the people's movement in every possible way. In a statement issued on Sunday, CP Gajurel accused the current government of ignoring the voice of the people. 

"The government does not seem to be in favor of listening to the voice of the people except for the alleged arrogance of the two-thirds majority in parliament," the statement said. Therefore, we humbly request the Nepali people, the makers of history, to be ready in every way for another historic people's movement.

The UDMF has also mentioned that the incident of the police beating the people standing on the streets with general demands has given the impression that this constitution does not belong to the people. "The next government is issuing a shameless and extremely irresponsible decree that the next government will not treat the epidemic Corona, which has spread to more than 200 countries around the world," the statement said. There is a danger of passing it from the next session of the parliament by showing that it has been withdrawn later. Even though the map of Nepal has been made public due to the pressure of the people's struggle, the Indian government is tightening its grip on Limpiyadhura, Kalapani and Lipulek, but the government is watching with amazement. The Indian Army is playing a parade in Kalapani.

The party claims that no concrete employment plan has been formulated at a time when it is estimated that more than six million youths will be unemployed.

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