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King Birendra used to say, "We are the protectors of the people, don't shoot at them '"

Dr. Raghunath Aryal, former Pandit Rajdarbar

It was only a few months after the end of the movement in the country. His Majesty King Birendra declared multi-party democracy to empower the Nepali people instead of bowing down to foreigners. The movement was stopped but the speech against the then King-Queen, the heritage of the country, was not stopped yet.

In this process, the greenery of 2047 BS came in a few months. Pashupatinath and Guhyeshwari rode for the regular worship of Empress Aishwarya and our preparations for the court worship were as usual.

But the ride of His Majesty the Queen did not return from Pashupatinath on time. We were waiting for the Queen. Shortly before the ride, the royal side had arrived, meaning he had returned.

There was a commotion among the staff at the palace. Everyone was amazed at why the Queen was late. I don't know why it was late. After a while, the phone rang. Her Majesty's car has already arrived.

According to the custom of the court, when His Majesty the Queen rode from Pashupatinath, the then Princess Shruti, Princess Shri 5 Komal, Shri 5 Praksha, Shahjyadi Pooja, Prerna, Sitasma, Dilasha and other members of the royal family would return after visiting Pashupatinath in the evening.

After Pashupati's darshan, Shri 5 Badamaharani and Adhirajkumari Shruti used to ride in the worship room of Narayanhiti palace while Adhirajkumari Komal, Praksha and Shahjadi would return to Nirmal Niwas, the private residence of the then Adhirajkumar Shri 5 Gyanendra.

In the worship room, the necessary materials and necessary arrangements were made as per the previous arrangements. Now our focus was on the road. Because the Queen had not been in the worship room until then.

There must have been some tension after the delay in the worship of Pashupatinath, but there was not much difference in the face of Panibada Maharani. I still remember my daughter Shruti being taught by riding in the fire room of the worship room. At that time, I was ordered to 'expand the shruti'. There were four prahars of greenery, three prahars of lakh prahars were performed on the same day.

The fourth attack was to be performed the next morning. As the next day's ride will be from 10:30 am to 11:00 am, the queen expressed her intention to do it as soon as possible. After seeing this inside the shrine, Mousuf returned.

When he returned to Shri Sadan from the worship room, we found out why the queen was late to come to the worship room. The Hakim of the station had informed us about the incident that took place while Pashupati was riding.

We were shocked to learn of the incident. However, there was no further discussion and interest in it, nor was there any practice. We left the Brahmins to light the lamp in the worship room and went to our own house.

According to the classical belief, married women used to fast in the courtyard at 9 am the next day. As far as I know, Vadamaharani Komal and Yuvarajni Himani also used to fast.

During the pooja, it was customary for two Brahmins from the royal palace to go to the Nirmal Niwas. But Brahmins did not have to stay in Nirmal Niwas to light the lamp at night. Because the Brahmins who always lived there were Kurds.

The game of destroying our culture, customs and traditions has started from the year 2046 BS. On that day, His Majesty the King, all the governments were returning from Guhyashwari after Pashupati Darshan. Not only the slogan but also the planned mob pelted stones on the motorists. However, no human casualties were reported, which should be considered a pleasant coincidence.

The then Crown Prince Dipendra was also riding in Pashupati with his mother and sister that day. After stones and glass bottles were hurled from all sides, the then Royal Guard Army Police fired a few rounds in the air and surrounded the car in which Shri 5 Dipendra was riding. After that, the stone-throwers ran towards the Veda Vidyashram, hurling stones and chanting slogans of mortalism.

The then princess (later queen) Komal was very outraged by the incident. He got out of the car and started shouting 'Han me han'. After he started expressing his indignation, the officer of the Royal Guard Army Police asked him to stay in the car.

At the officer's request, he returned to the car in a rage and then sped off. The military police had also changed the route of the vehicle and returned to Narayanhiti Durbar via Ring Road. He had to return to the ring road and could not come to the worship room of Empress Aishwarya Durbar on time.

The attack on our religion, culture and rites from that day onwards, Hisila Yami, the wife of Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, the representative of a foreigner who has promised to explain all the temples, shrines and religious rites. .

At that time, the stone was being thrown at our nationality, religion and culture. Now the country does not know where to turn. As long as there is a king, the country cannot be divided, as long as there is a king, religion cannot be thrown away. At that time, they may have been looting the country by throwing stones at the queen.

Why didn't the military police shoot at the incident immediately? It is said that Maharaj Dhiraj Birendra's order worked in this. After the news of the killing of some people in the movement of 2046 BS, the then Prime Minister Krishna Prasad Bhattarai was running the country as an executive after calling the party from His Majesty the King and telling him what kind of constitution is needed as an alternative to the independent system.

As the Minister of Defense, he received information from the Chief of Army Staff that His Majesty King Virendra had ordered all military bodies not to kill anyone, that we are the protectors of the people, not to shoot the people, and not to take up arms in any difficult situation. Therefore, even when the queen was stoned, the soldiers did not shoot at her.

The security guards who were driving to pay homage to Pashupatinath at that time paid Rs. The box was boxed at the rate of five hundred.

The morale of the working army and security forces was boosted in this way, but nowadays the respect of the army and soldiers has reached to 'Lakirka Fakir' (Defense Minister Ishwar Pokhrel had recently publicly criticized the work of the Nepal Army and told the story of Lakirka Fakir in public). Only time will tell how far we will reach tomorrow.

Translated from post of  :- 

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