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'Bar-Peepal' are disappearing: Conservation initiative in Jhapa

‘ढुङ्गाको काप फोरेर पनि उम्रन्छ पिपल
सिर्जना शक्ति संसारमा कैल्यै हुँदैन विफल ।।’

In his Khandakavya, Madhav Prasad Ghimire satirizes the rejection and hatred of society after an unmarried woman gives birth to a child and mentions this verse with the aim of not failing the creative power. Leaving aside the irony and the meaning of the verse, it can be understood that the peepal grows only in the incision or inconvenient place of the stone, it grows and plays an important role in the production and flow of oxygen which is essential for human health.

This is the experience of Parshuram Katuwal of Arjundhara-10, Jhapa, who has recently started a campaign to save the people and the world. Katuwal: They have been conserving bur-pipal plants at home by establishing animal husbandry and plant nursery distribution center. While cutting the net at the age of 70, he is engaged in the campaign to save the people. Katuwal said, "I am very saddened after the Vedic method of planting people in various monasteries, temples, Dowato and Chautaro." It was not customary to cut branches, let alone trees. People are cutting down trees now, people are leaving religion. '

Katuwal, who understands that bur-peepal maintains ecological balance, produces high levels of oxygen and is highly beneficial to human health, has also experienced that peepal grows in inconvenient places. "I have heard that peepal seeds grow only when they are eaten by birds. Whether that is true or not," he said. It is difficult to collect plants that grow in difficult places. ' He has experienced that it is very difficult to grow bur-peepal compared to other plants. He said that it costs five hundred rupees to grow a plant.

Adding water etc. costs five hundred '- he said -' There is no labor added. ' He said that he has distributed more than 1,200 saplings free of cost till now. "I am sharing that it is enough if you grow the plant and give it to someone," he said. He said that so far about 15 people from Taplejung and Panchthar have taken poplar plants. Earlier, the Katuwal brothers had taken about 1,200 saplings to West Pokhara for planting during the Bar-People Rescue Campaign. He said that he has experienced that it is more difficult to grow Bur-Pipal plants than other plants. The role of Bar-People and other herbs in maintaining environmental purity is also mentioned in Bhavishya Purana and Veda-Purana scriptures.

‘अस्वत्थमेकं पिचुमन्दमेकम्, न्यग्रोधमेकं दश पुष्पजाति ।

द्विद्वेतथा दाडिममातुलिङ्गे, पञ्चाम्रब्यापि नरकं न पश्येत् ।। भविष्यपुराण ।।

The meaning of the verse is: 'A person who plants a peepal, a neem leaf, a bar, ten flowers of different species, two pomegranates, two kalizamirs, five mango trees of different species and saves a pond in the same garden will not have to see the misery of hell. It is mentioned in the Bhavishyapurana that a person who does such a thing achieves the speed that a perfect man achieves. Rijal said. Among the desirable and fulfilled deeds done by man, worship of divine power, worship of gods and goddesses, meditation, japadi karma is the inner purification of man. Internal purification as well as external purification is the only way for human and animal welfare and environmental purity - which helps to keep the body healthy. Ayurveda experts say that the roots and bark of the multi-purpose bar can be used as medicine. The root of the bar will solve the problem seen in menstruation, According to the doctor, the wounds and sores cut by the bark will also heal. Pepper and mango leaves are also used in various rituals and devotional activities.

Vedic and Puranic texts have mentioned in ancient times that the balance of water, berries, peepal, neem, flowers, fruits, and water should be maintained for environmental purity, but with the leap of development of the human race, exploitation of nature has increased. Due to which human health is being endangered day by day, the saying 'Green forest, the wealth of Nepal' is no more than history. In order to maintain the ecological balance by ending the crisis in the global environment, the conservation of multi-purpose banyan trees including the observance of Vedokti has become essential.

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