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Why we need monarchy?

In the democracy that came with Indian assistance in 2008, Nepal was kept as a satellite state by India. Citizenship in 2008 In the name of special relations, the UK allowed Indians to acquire Nepali citizenship and even to buy land in Nepal.

In addition to the mandatory presence of the Indian Ambassador in the Nepali Council of Ministers, King Tribhuvan's secretary was also an Indian. When Matrika Prasad Koirala became the Prime Minister in 2008, he had Indian observation posts in 18 places on the Nepal-China border. That is the people of today's Kalapani issue. Not only that, when Matrika Prasad Koirala was the Prime Minister, Dr. It is understood that he had called the Indian Army three times to assassinate KI Singh and Bhim Dutt Pant. The Koshi Agreement of 1954 (2010 B.S.) was signed during the so-called democratic government.

Similarly, B.S. After leaving the 2015 election in 2016, B.P Koirala signed the Gandak Agreement, which in many ways was treasonous. Although King Mahendra solved the problem to some extent by amending it in 2021, the impact of the agreement reached by the BP is still being felt by Nepalis around Gandak. King Mahendra had banned political parties on the grounds that India was looking down on Nepal and showing interest in Nepal's foreign security. In 2017, King Mahendra took over the rule. He must have been a tyrant. However, the country was saved from becoming another Sikkim after Prithvi Narayan Shah. King Mahendra stopped the presence of the Indian Ambassador in the Council of Ministers of Nepal. As a result, Indian intervention was diminishing.

Not only this, with the repeal of the caste system by the new country act, King Mahendra had also done the work related to Mohini's rights and land reform. The Nepali language was made compulsory by stopping the teaching of the Hindi language in Nepal. Nepali notes were introduced by displacing Indian notes in the Nepali market. East-West Highway, Nepal-China connecting road, Nepal's membership in the United Nations, the establishment of international relations, dependence on India was reduced.

Along with the development of industry, the Hetauda-Kathmandu ropeway service was brought into operation. King Mahendra was one of the leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War. King Mahendra was the first Asian head of state to address the US Congress. In the year 2026, King Mahendra set up 18 Indian check-posts (Tinker Bhanjyang, Taklakot, Muchu, Mugugaun, Charkhabato, Kaisang, Thorang, Atharsay Khola, Somsang, Rasuwagadhi, Tatopani, Lamabgar, Manche, Chepuwa Bhanjyang, Olangchungola, Olangchungola) from the Nepal-China border. Removed Dalits and Madhesis were more than 50 percent of the Adivasi Janajatis in each of his cabinets.

From all this work, King Mahendra became the eye-catcher of India. As a result, India imposed a blockade on Nepal for the first eight months since 2026 BS. After King Mahendra, King Birendra looked at his father and was a liberal king, but he was adamant on the issue of nationality. When he was crowned in 2031 BS, he proposed a zone of peace to Nepal, and in 2031 BS, he wrote a letter from the Government of Nepal twice to remove the Indian Army from Kalapani. In 2032 BS, Trolleybus, as well as thousands of government-owned industries, came into operation during his tenure.

He had visited the United States, France, Russia, India, China and other countries to seek consensus on a peace zone proposal for Nepal. Leaving India after its occupation of Sikkim, he had raised the issue of peace zone even more widely. His peace zone proposal had the support of 123 countries around the world. However, Nepal's so-called political parties applauded India's opposition to the resolution, citing the 1950 treaty. Later, Russia, which had good relations with India, turned its back on the problem. The proposal for a peace zone that survived during the Panchayat period was thwarted in 2046 BS after the arrival of so many multi-parties.

After the restoration of democracy in 2046 BS, the king was constitutionally the only head of state. From 2017 to 2046, there were no treasonous agreements. However, with the restoration of democracy, the Tanakpur Agreement was revised and the Mahakali Treaty was signed. Madan Bhandari was not against the assassination of Madan Bhandari and was completely against the Mahakali Treaty. Many Nepalis have understood that Madan Bhandari was assassinated after he did not come to power without assassinating Madan Bhandari. It is clear today who has benefited a lot after the assassination of Madan Bhandari. Perhaps if Madan Bhandari had not been assassinated, there would not have been a ten-year armed insurgency pushing the country back 30 years. After 2046 BS, foreign industries were implemented in the name of neo-liberalism to destroy the industries and factories of the country. As this happened, many government companies closed down, some were privatized,

At the same time, US and Western investments in the Gulf and other countries were on the rise. Nepal's industries were closed down in the name of neo-liberalism and Nepali youths were forced to go abroad. And, to make Nepal a cheap labor market and to expand investment in the West in the Gulf countries, Nepalis were shown the greed for foreign employment.

All broadcast media was shut down for 14 hours from the time of the royal palace massacre. Only two newspapers published from Kathmandu on 20 Jestha 2058 had written about the massacre, but within two hours of the massacre, the international media had received this information. The then terrorist, Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai, misrepresented Gyanendra that King Gyanendra had annihilated his brother. After realizing that it was not possible to bring the power center of the country to Lanchaur and foreign embassies without the annihilation of Birendra, some local and foreign powers massacred the royal palace and blamed Gyanendra, misleading the people.

Today, the country is at a critical juncture in its history. The federalism that came with the republic has only borne the economic burden of the country and federalism has become a political recruitment center. The country's economy has collapsed. Looking at the budget of 2077/78, the current expenditure of the country is over nine trillion rupees while the government revenue is only a little over eight trillion rupees. In other words, we have to take one trillion foreign loans to sustain federalism. Impunity, corruption, institutional looting, injustice, murder, and violence are on the rise in the country. Politicization has divided the country in such a way that it is difficult to find Nepalis here. Communists can be found, Congress can be split, RPP can be found, but it has become difficult to find Nepalis. We need a united, free, and self-respecting, non-discriminatory country, so we speak in favor of monarchy.

By:- Santosh Bimali

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