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"Barking Fact" of Indian Former President leads Question to "Intention Of India" .

In a sensational disclosure, late President Pranab Mukherjee says in his much-talked-about autobiography – ‘The Presidential Years’, has claimed how former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru committed a major blunder by rejecting Nepal’s King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah’s offer that the Himalayan nation is made a province of India.

He in his autobiography wrote, “Interestingly, Nepal’s king, Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah, had suggested to Nehru that Nepal be made a province of India. But Nehru rejected the offer on the grounds that Nepal was an independent nation and must remain so.” Which not only question the education system of India but also Expose the intention of India to capture Nepal as like "Sikkim Model". 

There is no such evidence that King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah wanted/Proposal of merging Nepal with India. Before RSS also claimed the same false fact that Nepal wanted to merge with India but then it was named as a proposal was by Then Prime Minister of Nepal Matrika Prasad Koirala. Recently during the Border dispute between India and Nepal MP of BJP Subramaniam Swamy claimed that Ranas of Nepal wanted to Merge Nepal with India. 
He said:-

Mentioned date as 1950  same year when Nepal and India signed the Treaty Of Friendship. He tried his best to prove the rumor as a true fact. The rumor evolved according to the time and the name "who purposed" was also changed according. First, it was named to be Matrika Prasad Koirala, then King Tribhuvan. But here is the common thing is it is blamed to be "Blunder of Nehru".

Common in all claim
The main common thing in all of these claim is all statement was either given by RSS or Party people having ideology like RSS. But Purnav Mukhajree is From Congress an opposition Ideology, this made me do more research about the fact. Here reading his statement in the book again, “Interestingly, Nepal’s king, Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah, had suggested to Nehru that Nepal be made a province of India. But Nehru rejected the offer on the grounds that Nepal was an independent nation and must remain so.” We get that here Mukharjee is trying to glorify the Image of Nehru. Before's the image of Nehru was completely destroyed by RSS and BJP workers in the same false fact as "Blunder of Nehru". BJP and RSS made peoples believe in the false fact, which backlashed the image of Nehru already. Maybe he wanted to make a good impression on Nehru by showing him great to remain Nepal as an independent.

The Truth
Nepal was not a princely state under the British, so it was not liable to offer itself to the Indian Union under the Indian Independence Act 1947 & the Lapse of Paramountcy. The book “Integration Of Indian States” by VP Menon(secretary of Sardar Patel who oversaw the integration of states) never mentioned Nepal.

When you look at the situation of the Indian subcontinent during the time of independence and after, it's pretty straight forward that the King of Nepal wouldn't have offered his kingdom to anyone unless there were pressing reasons. For King of Nepal, no such reasons existed, nor there was any coercion from India to do so.

King of Nepal wouldn’t have agreed to change his country Hindu nature, which had always been a refuge for religiously or politically persecuted Hindu's or like people like last Peshwa of Marathas, queen of Sikh’s Jindan bai, Rani Hazrat mahal or countless brahmin’s who were threatened by India. 

Sikkim Model
India annexed Sikkim in a scam referendum. First, India has continued the British colonial policy. In December 1950, by signing the "India - Sikkim Peace Treaty", India turned Sikkim into its own protectorate and seized the national defense, diplomacy, and economic power of Sikkim, just like Bhutan at this moment. In August 1968, an anti-India protest broke out in Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim, demanding the abolition of the "India - Sikkim Peace Treaty" for independence.

India hastened to deploy a large number of military and police personnel to suppress it. Thousands of people in Sikkim have been killed and wounded. Thousands have been arrested. In April 1973, India imposed a military takeover of Sikkim. Two months later, the major Sikkung party under the control of India had forcibly passed a constitutional amendment in Parliament, making Sikkim an "associate state" in India. The Sikkim ethnic party and its supporters were forced into confrontation by force but were later suppressed by the Indian army.

On April 9, 1975, the Indian army disarmed the Guards and imprisoned the King of Sikkim. Subsequently, the Sikkim Parliament, controlled by India, announced the deposed king, a few days later declared Sikkim become part of India through the "referendum"(Voting was bundledthe abolition of the monarchy and joining India were tied together. But most people were told it is to vote for establishing a democratic government). On May 16, the Indian parliament announced that Sikkim officially became a state of India.

If we deeply analyze the history of the annexation of the Sikkim then we find that First India tried to bring hate against monarch among people and then by appointing Indian trusted Leader in as a head of state and then did the referendum for cleaning image of India then annexing the state. Which also named as "Sikkim Model of invasion" by the name where it was used. 

As same like Sikkim India wants to annex Nepal, by giving So-Called "Akhand Bharat" theory. Like Sikkim, India succeeds in spreading Hate against the monarch through Maoist but failed to annex it but Maoist betrayed India and the plan was failed. The statement by Pranab Mukharjee in his book also has the same intention to make Nepalese hate towards the monarch.

By analyzing all the possibilities we come to the conclusion that this statement as a fact is an illusion of Indian Political Bodies to show themself as great or as a "Blunder" for vote banks. This fact is as true as the Flat Earth theory. "Nepal wanted to Merge with India" is just nothing more than a burning election strategy.

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