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Scientists Discover a 2 Billion Years Old Nuclear Reactor In Gabon, Africa

Over the last two centuries, scientists and archaeologists have opened the eyes of the world to the many ancient technologies hidden in plain sight in Africa. The discovery of modern tools, machines, and techniques, has enabled archaeologists and scientists to better understand the role Africa played in the evolution of the earth and mankind.

Although many things are still not clear, one fact that keeps resurfacing is that humans have been on this planet for longer than we can tell and that Africa (the Black man), was at the forefront of the civilizations and technologies that power the planet from time immemorial.

A nuclear reactor, lost to history, was discovered by a worker at a nuclear fuel processing plant, in Africa, in 1972. The worker noticed that there was something suspicious in one of the analyses of the uranium obtained from the mineral source at the site.

The site is in Oklo, Gabon. And what was surprising to the scientists who gathered at the site where the Uranium was found, is that the nuclear reactor was way beyond the scope and understanding of our modern/present scientific and technological know-how.

The researchers who worked on the discovered nuclear reactor said that it was most likely to be around 1.8 billion years old, and at its peak, would have been operated for at least 500,000 years.

The results and findings of the scientists were made known by the researchers at a conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Reporters said that the scientists had discovered traces of fission products and fuel wastes at the different locations within the nuclear mine.

The ancient nuclear reactor was said to be very long and stretched along many kilometers.

One other fact that threw the scientists off-balance was the astonishing fact that a nuclear reactor of that size, had a minimal (insignificant) thermal impact on the surrounding environment, which measured 40meters on each side. They also realized that the radioactive waste had been kept intact in the Oklo area, and has not moved outside of it – all thanks to the topography and geology of the area.

The Complete scientific details of the findings can be found HERE.

Despite these, the worst disaster Africa faces is that its nations are ruled by politicians who have no sense of history and consciousness. For them, it’s all about money. So, they allow Europeans to come in and excavate all sorts of locations in Africa, in search of our collective heritage. When they find these ancient truths, technologies, and artifacts, they hide them and steal them away from Europe and America. The African political leaders care nothing about this. All they care about is the dollars, Euros, and pounds, which the foreigners will wet their palms with.

And just like that, Africa is been stolen dry, year after year. The worst part is that these same leaders will never create avenues for science-based research to flourish to a point where these discoveries are made by Africans and kept in Africa.

As we speak, numerous foreign companies are all over Africa, digging up precious metals, minerals, resources, ancient artifacts, and many more. These operations don’t make it to the new – so Africans are kept in the dark about the massive looting of their collective heritage by Europeans, Americans, The Chinese, and anyone who cares to join the party.

We might not have the power the fight the dirty government officials and their international collaborators, but we have a medium to speak up, and I am doing just that.

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