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Game Of Electricity

Students are pursuing education through virtual mode during the second wave of coronavirus pandemic, bearing the brunt of frequent disruption of power supply. Owing to the disruption of the power supply frequently, the students are denied their right to education. 

In this phase of lockdown, the electricity authority seems to be more careless for the life of students. With the limit in the time, students are frustrated by frequent power cuts. 

"There are frequent power cuts, we somehow afforded laptops and also wifi connection but due to power cuts all is being wasted," says Pranish Acharya, a Grade 12 student in Birtamod. "The syllables are about to finish, there are many important points to be covered, teachers are giving important lectures, but many students miss it due to power cuts."

“I have broadband internet, but it’s not reliable for two reasons: first, we don’t have a regular power supply, and second, the connection is not stable,” he told. He said online classes were necessary for students like him to complete their course of study on time, but the classes should have been started after assessing their feasibility.

Many students from Buttabari reported frequent power cuts. Students miss important notes due to power cuts. "Many students don't fully understand the lesson, we are teaching students but there are more who can't attend the class due to power cuts. We have to revise it more than 3 times to make them understand a single part of the lesson," a teacher told us. 

Students are forced to buy data plans even having a Wi-Fi connection with them, which increases more expenses to the family of students.

"In the phase of lockdown, where there is less chance of income we have to pay for expensive data plans. We do have wifi connection, but we can't use it. We have to pay for wifi and also for data plans. We have to spend more than our earnings." says Kishor Dhakal, father of a student. 

The electricity authority is poorly managing the power supply. Which is resulting in the dark future of the students. Students have to miss the lecture due to power cuts, families of many students are not rich to afford the inverter/generator. They don't have any other option left.

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