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Indian FS Shringla’s Visit to Nepal and Nepali Demands

Kathmandu: With the end of the Rana rule and the rise of democracy in Nepal, some misconceptions and practices began about the need for Nepal-India relations to be transformed into democratic values ​​of equality and independence. Contrary to the essence of the democratic movement for independence and independence, Indian interference in Nepal's governance.
(from The  Kantipur  Daily )

Rana Prime Minister Mohan Shamsher gave such an intervention a chance to institutionalize his power in 2007B.S. by signing an unequal treaty with India. This unequal treaty persisted even after the fall of the Rana regime. On this basis, Nepal had to face more unequal agreements and treatment. The country is still suffering from that. After the establishment of a federal republic in the country and the adoption of the recognition of comprehensive democratization, there should be a change and democratization in foreign relations accordingly.

Foreign policy is also an extension of domestic policy. But that is not happening. As a result, Nepal had to face Indian blockade and issues including border encroachment while promulgating the constitution. Unless this situation changes, problems between Nepal and India will not be resolved in the long run, and problems will continue to arise if relations are good in line with the norms of good neighborliness. For a lasting solution to these problems, India must first and foremost move Nepal-India relations forward on the basis of the established values ​​of independence, equality, and non-interference. India must agree to change the unequal treaties and practices of the past. Nepal is always ready to move forward in this way.

At a time when the problems in Nepal-India relations are being debated at the grassroots level, it is natural for political and diplomatic circles to be interested in the outcome of Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringala's visit to Nepal on November 29 and 30. India has not been interested in resolving serious issues such as long-standing unequal treaties and border disputes between Nepal and India. In the past, efforts have been made to resolve the issue through bilateral talks on issues such as trade, transit, border crime, and smuggling control. India's interest and readiness in investing in Nepal, especially in water resources owned by the Indian government or private companies, and in the exploitation and use of Nepal's natural resources, cooperation, and involvement in the security sector.

However, as a result of the autocratic rule of the past and imperialism, India has not only been reluctant to solve the painful problems for Nepal, it has been uncooperative. As a result, serious problems and tensions have arisen in Nepal-India relations from time to time. Changing such a situation will help to deepen and deepen Nepal-India relations. Putting the problem aside, the fictional propaganda that India, which was liberated from British rule only in 1947, had good relations for centuries is not enough to improve relations. Similarly, with the exchange of visits from the political and diplomatic levels, there is no longer any problem between the two countries. Even superficial propaganda, such as that the relationship has reached new heights or depths, does not make the relationship between the two countries problem-free. In order to make the relationship problem-free in a sustainable manner, any interference should be stopped while respecting each other's independence and interests on the basis of universal equality. Considering all these issues, the following aspects should be discussed in the talks and solutions should be found:

1) The unequal treaties and agreements between Nepal and India, including the 1950 treaty, should be reviewed and amended in accordance with equality, independence, and mutual benefit. In this context, the report of the Group of Enlightened Persons formed by consensus of the two countries in the past should be immediately understood by the Indian Prime Minister. If India does not understand that report, then past unequal treaties and border issues should be included in the agenda and a solution should be found. Inconsistency with national independence and self-respect must end all forms of behavior and practice during and after imperialism.

2) The unequal treaties of the past and the accompanying correspondence should end the Indian control over Nepal's national security. Just as Nepal has maintained friendly relations with any country, there should be no pressure from India to bring in materials for its security from anywhere and move forward on the path of independent foreign policy.

3)  After the defeat of Nepal in a war with the British imperialists, the Gurkha recruitment that was started by forcibly keeping Nepali soldiers in their platoon should be reviewed. For the time being, it should be agreed that Nepalis serving in the Indian Army should not be used by India against countries with which Nepal has friendly diplomatic relations.

4)  Talks should be held with the Indian Foreign Secretary and in future political level talks to accept Nepal's right to Limpiyadhura, Lipulek, Kalapani, and Susta areas encroached by India and to clear all the border areas and tens of thousands. Nepal's geographical integrity must be respected.

5)  Nepal should get adequate water from the compensation and Gandak Dam to the farmers who have not received compensation till now when India built Koshi Dam. The Mahakali Treaty should be implemented and if it is not implemented, it should be reviewed and repealed as per the provision that the treaty will be reviewed in ten years. When constructing the Sarada Barrage, there should be a search for land equal to the land used by Nepal.

6)  Just as Indian agricultural products and industrial products are entering Nepal unhindered, so should Nepali agricultural products and products be able to enter the Indian market without hindrance. Just as India allowed Nepali agricultural products to enter the Nepali market only after testing for pesticides, the system of bringing Indian agricultural products and fish to the Nepali market only after testing should be strictly enforced. Nepali newspapers and books should be allowed to enter India just as Indian newspapers and books can come to Nepal without any hindrance.

7) In order to effectively control the crime on the border between the two countries, the work of keeping records of people crossing the border should be started immediately and the border should be regulated in accordance with international standards. India should respect the fact that Nepal can decide on foreign workers according to its needs and situation.

8)  Meetings with Nepal's political leaders, parliamentarians, security personnel, and ordinary citizens at the Indian Embassy in Nepal should be stopped. Such meetings should be conducted only in accordance with the established norms of international diplomacy and relations.

9)  Nepal-India relations should be conducted in a transparent and credible manner at the diplomatic and political level, creating a fearless environment between the governments and people of both countries. Relations between the two countries should be freed from the clutches of opaque and suspicious activities of the intelligence agencies.

10)  Expression and behavior against Nepal's sovereignty, independence, and self-respect should be stopped. India should fully appreciate the fact that Nepal can make its own decisions on domestic policy and foreign policy according to its constitution, the system of governance, aspirations, and needs of the people.

11)  Nepal has repeatedly said that it will not allow the use of Nepali land against India. India needs to be reassured that this will not happen again. But from a strategic point of view, Nepal's non-alignment needs to be clarified.

12) The use of Nepal's water resources and the agreements made by Indian companies investing in various sectors should be done in accordance with the laws of Nepal and if not, the decision of the Government of Nepal should be made without any pressure from India. There should be an agreement that other projects should be operated within the limits of Nepal's national interest and security. India should exchange one thousand Indian Rupee notes in Nepal Rastra Bank and provide the same amount to Nepal.

13)  India must agree to proceed with the extradition treaty that has been in place in the past in accordance with the law on extradition and legal aid already in force in Nepal and established international norms. It should be ensured that there is no external pressure on Nepal to sign such a treaty with other countries as well.

Ensure that all issues are resolved in a friendly and peaceful manner through negotiations and that pressure or intrusion are not used in relations between the two countries.

If the above-mentioned issues are included in the bilateral talks to be held on the occasion of the Indian Foreign Secretary's visit to Nepal and the two countries move forward in resolving the issues related to those issues, Nepal-India relations can be truly smooth and deep. Bilateral talks can be meaningful. The fears and dilemmas of the Nepali people will end. The message will also reach the Indian people that the relations between the two countries are free from the colonial beliefs and mentality of the past. The multifaceted relationship between Nepal and India will move forward on the path of mutual trust in a problem-free manner. In this way, Nepal-India relations will be truly smooth and the whole cloud of apprehension will be lifted.

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