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Gyanendra's turn

No one knows what will happen tomorrow in Nepali politics. The parties have looked stunned. Leaders of the major parties have started acknowledging that Nepal is losing its right to self-determination after the 'Twelve-Point Agreement' was signed in Delhi as per the roadmap drawn by foreign powers. It is becoming clear that the heterogeneous, complex, and frightening situation we are facing now is the result of that.  

Some of the characters who went to Delhi and accepted slavery have said that it was 'twelve-point' treason. The veil of treason seems to be unraveling when serious issues like the 'defeat' (?) Of King Gyanendra, who ruled after the assassination of King Birendra and his demise, are discussed. Voices are being raised in various cities/markets that a national hero is needed more than thousands of leaders.  

The argument of the analysts leading to Kathmandu-Kabulpath does not seem exaggerated. Foreign powers did their best to use the parties to thwart King Birendra's efforts to protect Nepal's existence. It was a serious mistake of the parties to dance at the behest of foreigners while devaluing the monarchy's dedication to nationalism and democracy. From 2047 BS to 2058 BS, the government was changed twenty times. King Gyanendra built a 'diversion road' after seeing the main road as thorny, awkward, and dangerous. Unfortunately, most of his allies were loyal but few were capable. Some selfish 'monarchists' seemed to focus on self-interest rather than national interest. Time has made it clear that there are many who work for foreigners by infiltrating the army, police and civil servants, professional organizations, human rights activists, etc.  

During the 10-year conflict, on the one hand, the security forces were devoting their lives day and night for the defense of the nation and the people, while on the other hand, some members of the security forces provided intelligence and financial support to the Maoists and foreign forces.  

It is unbelievable that even when a general of the Nepal Army provided thousands of army uniforms to the Maoists at the behest of India, the then army chief did not get enough. Such traitors who betrayed the nation by sitting in an important and sensitive place of the state apparatus should have been shot immediately. Conspiracies in secret rooms are more deadly than street protests to make the nation fail. Even during the Panchayat period, some such aggressors were active. King Virendra tightened his grip on the news that the foreign embassy in Lanchaur had already leaked information about the secret files and decisions inside the palace, but many old men say that he was often deceived by the closest staff.

The time has come for the Nepali people to find an answer to the question of whether to save the nation or a republic.

An old secretary of the court had told the columnist that in the morning smugglers, corrupt and suspicious people used to meet the powerful staff of the court and offer money. In the afternoon, in the presence of the king, the secretaries would advise the king in unison. The king did not know that they had taken bribes. How can you not believe when everyone's opinion is the same?  

At the same time, at midnight, King Virendra warned the then army chief, "I don't need your report from tomorrow." You are sending two reports. Just send him. I don't need your report .... ' The old military officer who understood the security arrangements of the palace said that the process of sending the second report was stopped after the king became angry.

There are many such true stories that sound like the detective novel 'The Night of the Generals' written by James Headley Chase. The book revolves around the life story and murder of a city bride who spied for Germany during World War II. The movie based on that became very popular. Some villains like Joanna in the role of city bride in the film were also used by foreigners in Nepal. He pretended to be in love with a high-ranking security official and took secret information to the Maoists and foreign embassies. The Pandavas did not have to burn at Lakshagriha as they had already received information about what was happening. In order to prevent the nation from weakening, those in power need to find out which countries their people work for.

The Nawab (ruler) of Bengal was killed in the Palasi War with the East India Company. He was only twenty-four years old. This is about the year 1757. As his elder brother Mir Jafar was the army chief, the Nawab was relieved. The general himself betrayed the country by taking the vast wealth of the enemy. Mir Jafar is the father-in-law of Mir Qasim who sent troops to attack Nepal.  

Traitors can be in any role. True nationalists have to study their character. History is full of examples of people defeating a traitor and defeating the nation.

History has shown that nations like Britain, Spain, Cambodia and Belgium, which at one time abandoned the monarchy and walked the path of republic, had to give importance to the monarchy in the long run.

In the fourteen years since the advent of the republic, we have considered many to be 'national heroes'. Most of them are villains and foreign singers. The people who voted only got the opposite injury. Foreigners made our ruler a horse. When those who believe in Khurukhuru and Luruluru start speaking loudly, then the owners come to Nepal carrying mungro. Going abroad, the Nepali leader hits the servant on the head, warning him to make public the confession and the agreement. That was not possible during the monarchy. Therefore, they removed the monarchy to make the situation in Nepal favorable to them.  

There are many conspiracies to weaken any nation. 'Nargorno-Karabakh' is still in the news in the world media. The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia has intensified since 1988. The main reason was the ethnic conflict. Instead of thinking of a solution, even if it is not a big war, the international powers are playing there for their own interests. As a result, the fire is getting worse. The same thing happened in Yugoslavia. The nation was torn to pieces. A situation arose where the United Nations peacekeeping force had to be deployed. A similar situation is being sought in Nepal, which lies between China and India.

Diplomatic support from outside forces, the infiltration of foreign armies, internal strife, and the lack of strong leadership are just some of the examples of conflict. It has been seen in many nations that if the leadership is subordinate, parasitic, self-centered, and fallen, nationalism will grow under the cover of nationalism. There are many 'diplomatic job seekers' in Nepal. Many are silent in their greed for power. The Singha Durbar does not listen to the views of those who speak the truth.

Dictators are created somewhere by the world's superpowers, like in Chile. The Aung San Suu Kyi (not Suki) list was erected in Burma under the guise of democracy. His leadership looks weak. Pakistan was divided and East Pakistan was made Bangladesh. A puppet government was formed. India has repeatedly put pressure on Nepal to take care of defense and foreign affairs. Hundreds of Delhi cats are feeding on milk in different parts of Nepal. Those who worry about Europe, America, China, and India but do not speak in Nepal's interest need a republic. Federalism and secularism are needed. Even if Nepal does not exist, the slaves will not be robbed. It is the people who suffer. Therefore, they are looking for a strong parent.

Democratic forces establish strong national heroes to make the nation strong. That power is considered credible because it protects not only politics and diplomacy but also society, religion, culture, traditions, and values. Oman and Kuwait or Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, even if there is no republic, progress, peace, and mutual unity are strong. The same is true of Spain, Belgium, Qatar, the Netherlands, Monaco, the UAE, and Cambodia. Bahrain, Jordan, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and other nations are leading not only in economic terms but also in terms of social equality and material prosperity.

From Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand to Brunei's prosperity, permanent leadership seems to have made a great contribution. Those nations do not have republics. But happiness, peace, prosperity, national unity, and sovereignty seem to be strengthening. Therefore, the time has come for the Nepali people to find an answer to the question of whether it is to save the nation or a republic.

At a time when various political parties are proving to be useless, the nation may be in crisis if it is not possible to think about the distant future of the nation and the people. History has shown that nations like Britain, Spain, Cambodia, and Belgium, which at one time abandoned the monarchy and walked the path of republic, had to give importance to the monarchy in the long run. World-renowned political scientists argue that the monarchy is indispensable for the overall benefit of the nation and the people. While political parties give priority only to personal and party interests, many believe that the monarchy is the power to think incessantly for the benefit of the nation and the people. Happiness, peace, including the United Nations A study of 20 nations with prosperity and sustainable development has concluded that the monarchy is the only one in 13 countries. Since the monarchy protects the country from political instability and foreign interference, it is unlikely to be under the pressure and influence of any foreign power, but the political parties that invest more are forced to look after their own interests. Therefore, the youth are beginning to understand that the monarchy is necessary for the greater good of Nepal and Nepalis.


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